60's Offspring (Suzanne Summa) Video Editing Demo Reel
Storytelling | Video Editing | Color Correction | Sound Design | Effects
One of a video editor's most challenging tasks is creating a demo reel. It has always seemed to me a much simpler pursuit to align a video to a client's needs than to tell my own story. In this demo reel, I provide the viewer with a subset of my skills and a peek at my inspirations of life in a seamless flow.
Below I will describe my process.

For this project, I chose to work with stock footage and sound. The project goal is to showcase video editing. So souring footage and sound from multiple artists presents more of a challenge than working with one artist. The first step to creating an engaging story from seemingly random clips is creating a mood board, in this case, video and sound clips. Next is to allow the different video and sound clips to inspire me.
The final phase is outlining a rough idea for the story. This is key to the final product and cohesive visual story.

While allowing the story idea to simmer, I prepared my intro and outro logo animations. The first stage is editing the Adobe Illustrator files so the logos will have the correct layers to be imported into after effects. The next step is to convert each layer to a shape layer in After Effects and animate them.

In compiling the story, the first phase is always the rough cut, then the real fun begins.
1. Streamline the timeline (shorten)
2. Add effects
3. Color Correct & Color Grade
4. Sound Design & Sound Check
Then the final cut!